All photography provided by MRCTI.oeg
You can make a difference. Our organization is dedicated to the stakeholders it represents. Join us in changing the lives of those who live, play, and rely on the Mississippi River for the better.
Sponsor an event
Your sponsorship allows us to connect our mayors with other major policy creators across the country, and create partnerships around the world. We collaborate extensively with our partners, seeking the most constructive solutions to the Mississippi River Corridor's current problems.
Become a river citizen
MRCTI has partnered with the 1 Mississippi River Network to build a cohort of river citizens dedicated to sustaining, cherishing, and building the national profile of the water.
Pass a Mississippi River Proclamation
Mayors can join other cities like St. Louis and Memphis along the corridor in passing proclamations declaring how important the River is to the city and proclaiming a commitment to protecting the ecological integrity of all the River provides us. In partnership with American Rivers and the 1 Mississippi River Network, MRCTI has developed a model proclamation cities can use. Learn More