DECEMBER 8, 2015 Paris, FR

Climate change presents one of the greatest threats to meeting the world’s near-term food demand.

Therefore, mayors of the Mississippi River, in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program, Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands, the International Society for River Science, and ecoAmerica are conducting global river talks with representatives from foodproducing river basins to begin an international river sustainability agreement to maintain the world’s food security in the face of climate change. The talks will take place throughout the COP with results being announced December 8, 5:45pm inside the U.S. Center.


Introductions (moderator): Mayor Chris Coleman, Mayor of St. Paul, MN

What’s at stake and the major components of an international River Sustainability Agreement: Roy Buol, Mayor of Dubuque, IA

Managing our water toward sustainable agriculture: Dr. Anne Schulte-Wulwer-Leidig (invited), Secretary General, International Commission for the protection of the Rhine

What the Agreement can achieve: Mr. Jean-FranÇois Donzier (invited), Executive Director, International Network of Basin Organizations

Moving Forward: Patricia Beneke, Director and Regional Representative for North America, United Nations Environment Program

Read the Mayor's Op Ed